Monday, March 5, 2007

Rainbow Connection

Now that Romeo & Juliet is over, I'm getting back to my real life. I'm taking the "My Word" journaling class and am excited to be writing every day. I watched an episode of Craft Lab today which was all about creating an art journal. I'm looking at my lonely art journal and am really excited about getting back to exploring my creative side. I had wanted to take the BPS class about choosing joy, but I had no time due to the play. I'm definitely in a scrapbooking mood since it has been so long, so I was checking out Shimelle's site for more classes I can take and ran across this link!

I haven't seen The Muppet Movie since I was a kid, but I have to admit that I owned the record and listened to it all through high school! This is a photo of me during my senior year; 20+ years later, I still have that Kermit doll in my classroom! I haven't looked at this picture in ages, but I'm glad I decided to pull it out today, because it is in an old album and the photo was stuck to the page. I had to use Un-Du to get it off. It's a really good reminder to me to get the rest of my photos out of those albums.

I want to spend some more time exploring my "Rainbow Connection," because I have this vague memory of sitting in our darkened living room on 7th street watching this film. I'll definitely come back to this, but for now, I'll enjoy the video and my photo!

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